Views Demystified

Note: this is an archived site. The current site can be found at
Doheny Beach A

Views remains one of the most powerful tools for customizing your Drupal website and delivering your content to your users. For those just getting started, however, understanding all of the options, what they do, and when they should be used can be daunting.

With even a basic understanding of Views, the possibilities for what you can do with your site are fairly limitless!

This session will stick to the Views UI and a few helper modules.

We will cover:

  • Different types of views, such as user, node or taxonomy views and when you might use each
  • Views templates and when to use them (or not)
  • Display types, including page, block, attachment, content pane, feed and system
  • Formatting options, including advanced formatting with fields and rendered entity: custom node displays
  • The basics of filtering and sorting
  • How to use contextual filters to select which content displays
  • How to use relationships to include deeper content results within a view
  • Building complex filters for selecting content that include and and or operators

If there is enough time, we will also look at expanding the power of views with a number of helper modules, including (but not limited to):

  • Views Slideshow
  • Views Accordion
  • Calendar
  • Views Bulk Operations
  • Administration Views

This is a revival of a session that has been presented at DrupalCampLA and DrupalCons in 2009, 2010 and 2011. The videos for those sessions can be found here:

This 2014 session will be updated for what is new, while also building on the foundation of how Views works.

Site Building
One hour